Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Open doors. Open hearts

Saturday, October 20, 2012
This Is Not The End
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Boot-Legged TRUTH
Why re-invent the wheel? Why try to say something a different way, when someone has already nailed it on the head? I am not that creative or good with words, so I am going to boot-leg someone else's writing and post it here. Because TRUTH IS TRUTH. So here it is.....
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Eu Te Amo
I am writing to let you know what God has been doing and, by faith, what He will continue to do in Africa. For the last year, I had the privilege to show and spread the love of Jesus to the people of Mozambique. We have seen and experienced many things---some full of joy and some full of sorrow--but all have been a part of the Lord's plan.
I will be returning to Mozambique on January 25, 2011 and continue serving His people in this great country. I look forward to returning home and being with the boys, missionaries, Mozambicans, and our rat killing cat-Paka!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Laying Our Yes Down at the Cross
Is God really who He says He is? This maybe a strange question. You may be thinking the heat has finally effected this girls head...she has lost her mind! But hear me out for just a moment. When people ask us, or we are standing in a church building we say that God is in control of everything. We say that He is the Almighty and worthy of praise. We say that He is sovereign, compassionate, full of grace and love. But who do we say He is with our actions? Who do we say he is when poverty, hurt, and death is beyond human understanding? When the world screams it's ugly truths at us, do we believe God is still the God we declare Him to be on Sunday mornings?