Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Laying Our Yes Down at the Cross

Is God really who He says He is? This maybe a strange question. You may be thinking the heat has finally effected this girls head...she has lost her mind! But hear me out for just a moment. When people ask us, or we are standing in a church building we say that God is in control of everything. We say that He is the Almighty and worthy of praise. We say that He is sovereign, compassionate, full of grace and love. But who do we say He is with our actions? Who do we say he is when poverty, hurt, and death is beyond human understanding? When the world screams it's ugly truths at us, do we believe God is still the God we declare Him to be on Sunday mornings?
The last few weeks have been eye opening for me here in Mozambique. The Lord has shown me a lot......some things are amazing and some things make me numb with sorrow. He has lifted the spirits of the boys here at the base and they are opening up to the goodness Christ has to offer. PLEASE never underestimate the POWER of speaking WORDS OF LIFE over someone!!! But with all the joys and happy stories, comes the struggles and realities of the people here in Mozambique. Struggles that are real and hard to believe if I did not see them first hand.
But here's the deal. Despite the heart aches, the hunger, the abuse, the pain...GOD IS GOD. Despite the happiness, the redemption, the renewed hope....GOD IS GOD.
Before ever coming into this world as a man, Christ knew that pain and suffering were in His path. Being fully aware of what the future would bring, He still chose to become flesh and walk hand in hand with humans. Knowing full well that death on a cross was in his future, He still said YES. He does not ever say our lives are going to be without pain and suffering, but like Him, He expects us to lay our yes down at the cross and follow Him. Believe in Him. Trust Him. Love Him.
I pray He protects these boys from the harshness of this world. I pray He opens doors for their futures. I pray their wounds will be healed. I pray He brings prosperity to their lives. BUT, if He chooses not to, I pray we will all know that GOD IS GOD. I pray the He reveals the truth about Himself to all us, in the good times and the bad. I pray we know that He is the only One that is worthy of praise. I pray we press on because He is our prize. He is our joy. He is our hope.