As I move forward with what the Lord is asking of me, I am reminded that goodbyes are an event and a process. And that statement has certainly proven to be true over the last few weeks. Although I know the future holds great things, saying goodbye to people I love is never easy. The great thing about the Lord is that He is allowing people to come on this journey with me. No, they will not be walking by my side, but they will be in my heart, my thoughts, and in my prayers. I am leaving FULL! Friends and family gathered together for a going away shindig for me last week. It was so sweet to see different people from different chapters in my life all under one roof. Each one of them hold unique memories and I was reminded the Creator of our lives has placed wonderful people in my life.
Then there was the airport.....
What a strange, yet peaceful feeling I had on that day. My entire family was there, both biological and spiritual. There were more people there for me than there was on the plane! How stinkin' cool is that, what a send off! I even got interviewed by a local TV station about traveling during the holidays. I'm sure it was quiet the scene. And yet once again, the Lord allowed us to have moments that were pure and heart felt. You does not matter where you are or where you're going....the Lord always provides in every way. Afterall, goodbyes are an event and a process.
it was a very sweet parting. you were awesome and it reminded me when lindsay left for africa.
so right.
so hard.
so good.
bon voyage and Godspeed.
see you there. Godwilling.
Calli, that is so sweet! I know that I am not in Africa, but I felt the same way when we moved to Louisiana. The great thing is the LORD fills all of those holes you feel like you will have while you are away from your friends and family. He will also give you NEW friends and family who will mean more to you then you will ever know! I am praying for you sweet couisin!
Hey stranger! About posting the pictures....When you are posting a new post, right above where you are writing your text there are some icons (bold, italic, link, quotes, spell check, PICTURE, video). Click on the picture or video icon and browse through your computer of what you want and then submit it. It will take a minute and then you will see my bright shining face....I mean....whatever picture you choose. MISS YA!
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