On November 6th, I finished a three week "before you go" program called SPLICE. I must say I was reluctant to go, but the Lord was quick to show me that this is where I need to be at this time. The content was incredible. We talked about things like conflict, adversity, assumptions, and grief and loss, just to mention a few. It was heavy and eye opening stuff. But, for me, the real learning, stretching, and preparation happened outside of the classroom. The friendships that were cultivated have changed my life for sure. The Lord knew what He was doing (shocking I know!) when He allowed my path to cross with theirs. I will forever be grateful for the late night conversations. I will never forget the song from a friend and the boldness it to took to sing it. I am thankful the Lord provided a friend that thought like me and gave us an instant connection. And I will forever hold the Rumbold 7 in my heart. Now, when I look at a globe, I will not only see countries but faces. Slovakia-The Rumblolds. South Africa- Jamie, Amy, Wade and Tara, Uruguay-Rebecca,Italy-Kyle, Sudan-Ryan, The DR- Bryan, And of course, there will always be Evan! Faces with the places....Let the nations be changed forever for His Kingdom.
love this .........well said.
Calli, God bless you on your new adventure and journey. I know God has already gone before you and prepared for your coming! I will be following you...
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